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My favorite moment of the night, and other quick impressions

September 27th, 2008 [Election 2008, General]

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Ultimately, I think declaration of victory will pretty much fall on straight party lines. I have to say, though, that my favorite “Laugh Out Loud” moment of the night came just after Joe Biden weighed in on the debates.

Apparently, Palin had been asked for her input, but she declined to show her face, since she’s doing some last-minute cramming for her Vice Prez final, since she didn’t study or attend class all semester. Or like, for the past 40-some-odd years of her life. (She’s pretty much trying to lower expectations so that if she even speaks in the English language, her supporters will quickly praise her fluency and declare her the debate winner.)

The McCainaanites did offer up a substitute – former NYC mayor Rudy Guiliani.

Seriously? No, like, seriously? Wow. They’re all about being Captain Obvious tonight.

I also thought it was hilarious when Giuliani tried to point to Obama’s “you’re right, John” politeness and claim that he was sort of thanking McCain for giving him little foreign policy lessons. Um, no.

In other news, C’s debate drinking game was completely shot by the clear instruction John McCain MUST have received from his campaign advisors to absolutely, under no circumstances, refer to his time as a prisoner during the Vietnam war – unless, of course, he’s about to have the last word in the debate, in which case, he must seize this perfect opportunity to utter the forbidden words and use the reference to absolve himself of anything he might have said or not said during the debate and hereby declare himself Winner by POW.

On the other hand, McCain definitely delivered the creepy grins and chuckles.

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