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  • PETA says “The Breast is Best” – to BEN & JERRY’S

    September 23rd, 2008 [Dining, Environment, General, Health & Wellness]

    Oh. My. Gawd. No, but seriously. OHMYGAWD. PETA Urges Ben & Jerry’s To Use Human Milk.

    Ew. Not only that, but EW.

    In all seriousness, though, if PETA discourages the abuse of cows in the dairy industry, what makes it think an increase in the use of / demand for breast milk won’t similarly result in the abuse of women? I mean, honestly – if that kind of treatment isn’t good enough for cattle, certainly it isn’t good enough for lactating women. Sure, they’d be paid in the beginning, but how long would it take before the world would be shocked and horrified to learn of impoverished women being held captive on a human dairy farm?

    Don’t we know better than to open this can of worms?

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    Newsflash: Ann Coulter says something stupid. Wait a minute… that’s nothing new.

    September 11th, 2008 [Blogs, Environment, General]

    “Hurricane Gustav came and went without a hitch. What a difference a Republican governor makes!”

    Yeah… he huffed and he puffed and blew that storm away… he just blew and blew and somehow that the storm just magically downgraded itself and floated off into the sunset. Golly. What a difference a Republican governor makes. Maybe next time we have massive fires because Ahnold refuses to clear hazardous brush, we can just ask him to blow the fires out.

    As for her remark about Michael Moore saying a Category 3 hurricane hitting the United States is proof that there is a god in heaven? Well, I didn’t see the interview so I don’t know what the context was, but I’d be willing to bet it had something to do with Focus on the Family’s urging its membership to pray for rain of “biblical proportions.” They asked, God answered. Proof, right? How was God to know that that Republican governor was SOOO full of hot air that he was able to purse his lips and blow that storm right back into God’s face?

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    The power of prayer – and karma.

    September 1st, 2008 [Election 2008, Environment, General, Law & Politics, News, US]

    You would think the wingnuts would have learned their lesson about the power of prayer after Pat Robertson’s prayer death squad misfired and knocked off uber-conservative Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

    Well, apparently they’re at it again. Just days after Dobson / Focus on the Family lackey Stuart Shepard encouraged his Christian viewers to pray for rain of “biblical proportions” to drown out the Democratic National Convention two minutes into Obama’s acceptance speech, America is watching as millions evacuate amid the threat of Hurricane Gustav, which is looking as though it may rain out the Republican Convention. Scheduled attendees must now choose whether to look really, really bad partying, or go home to their safe little mansions and lay low for a while so there are no embarrassing photos of them living it up while people are drowning (with the exception, of course, of those unfortunate souls who have to evacuate instead of casting their vote for the Birthday Boy).

    I wonder if even one of those devout zealots who prayed for everything short of “golf-ball sized hail” will think to themselves, “What have I done? What HAVE I done?” Nope. They’ll chalk it up to coincidence. Divine intervention is only present when it suits them.

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    Pharmaceuticals found in drinking water supply

    August 20th, 2008 [Environment, General, Health & Wellness, News, US]

    As Norm MacDonald would say on SNL’s Weekend Update, “From the Medical Journal DUH“: Pharmaceuticals found in drinking water supply.

    Yet another reason why Big Pharma needs to be cut down to size. This has been public knowledge for ages; anybody in any kind of environmental work could have told you this a long time ago. So why is it only being publicized in the mainstream media NOW?

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    Louisiana Oil Spill

    July 24th, 2008 [Election 2008, Environment, General, Law & Politics, News, US]

    If the ban on offshore oil drilling is lifted, you can expect to see more oil spills like this one in Louisiana. Ironically, rumor has it McCain was scheduled to visit an oil rig the same day but cancelled his trip after the spill. Guess it wouldn’t have gone well with his “oil drilling is good” rhetoric.

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