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Medical marijuana supporters fuming over Westside dispensary raids – Los Angeles Times

February 4th, 2009 [General, Health & Wellness, Medicinal Cannabis, Patient's Rights]

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Medical marijuana supporters fuming over Westside dispensary raids – Los Angeles Times.

Fuming? You’re damned right. Fuck them. Fuck them to FUCKING hell. This is the kind of fascist bullshit that should have STOPPED with the new administration. So President Obama, what are you going to do about the fact that people all over the country are suffering from addiction, dying, and being murdered over TRULY dangerous drugs, kids are popping their parents’ Vicodin and Xanax like Tic-Tacs, and the DEA’s henchmen are sticking to the cushy job of robbing legitimate tax-paying businesses and stealing medicine from the disabled?

I am truly disgusted, and you would be too if you knew how these raids are conducted. They are little more than armed robberies; a team of agents bust into the place with huge guns. Nobody is arrested, but all of the medication, money, and valuables are stolen while the employees and patients watch helplessly. The employees, who are patients themselves, are frequently placed in handcuffs so they can watch while everything is torn apart, and then are released once there’s nothing left for the agents to steal.

It’s nothing more than government-sanctioned piracy.

The DEA ought to be out there stopping criminals and breaking up drug cartels instead of playing the cowards and attacking innocent, LAWFUL tax-paying businesses that provide crucial services to people with disabilities and terminal illnesses.

This NEEDS to stop.

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