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Teen shot over vandalized McCain sign, police say – CNN.com

October 28th, 2008 [Election 2008, General]


Teen shot over vandalized McCain sign, police say – CNN.com.

Well, clearly SHOOTING them was the answer. Frakkin’ Republicans.

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18 Responses to “Teen shot over vandalized McCain sign, police say – CNN.com”

  1. Kathryn Ford Says:

    Surely shooting the vandals was the answer. Sure this guy is no kin to McCain?

  2. Gives new meaning to “hey kids, get off my lawn!”

  3. I’m white and I live in a black neighborhood, and I keep getting told everyday that I’m going to be a niggers slave. Good times. I’d shoot those punks too. Um, oh yeah Go Obama, please don’t hurt me.

  4. What a jerk this guy is. shooting kids over a yard sign. He need to be locked up for attempted murder. What a dick !

  5. Uh yeah… I believe you, “Fred.” Right. ’cause they’re all running for president, and clearly all black people are the same.

    Ignorance abounds. Sheesh.

  6. This guy had every right to shoot the little punks. it doesnt matter what they were doing, they were trespassing, with intent to vandalize this man’s property. I would have shot them too. this is why democrats are suck. leave it to the liberal media to broadcast this as news. this is just a case of taking the law into your own hands. he will probably get the charges dropped, if he believes his life or property was in danger. all of you pussy gun hatin’ democrats should move to canada. leave the country to the REAL men (and women).

  7. Oh please. You don’t kill people for vandalizing a lawn sign in your front yard any more than you kill people for tipping over your damned garden gnome. “You kids, get off my lawn! BANG BANG.” What?? There is absolutely NO chance that this guy had any actual physical fear for his well-being, and that is the only valid self-defense claim. You conservatives are all so freaking gun-happy – you shoot first, and ask questions later, even when you have no reason at all to think that shooting would be a good idea.

  8. absolutely. step on our property, and we should have the right to shoot. damn pussy liberals are EVERYTHING that’s wrong with this country. congress (with a DEMOCRAT majority) got us into this mess, and you think barack osama can get us out?!?!?! PLEASE!

  9. Are you kidding me? This is all happening because of economic policies set into place by Bush and his cronies, and even by Reagan back in the day – the theory behind Reaganomics is a massive failure, as we’re seeing now.

    The Democrats DO NOT have control of Congress by any means – not even remotely. They have a virtual tie in the Senate, 49 and 49 with two Independents (although Lieberman might as well come out as a Republican at this point), and a slim majority in the House. That isn’t enough of a majority to get anything real accomplished.

    But even if the Democrats did have a meaningful majority, which they don’t, it hasn’t even been 2 years since they won it, and everybody knew way more than 2 years ago that this crash was going to happen. Maybe you didn’t in your state, because you were too busy shooting trespassers, but EVERYBODY in California knew – everybody with an eye on the market, anyway. It was obvious. Obama himself knew, and did everything he could to alert people in Congress and in the Fed to the potential subprime mortgage collapse. It happened just like he said it would happen. Nobody listened. McCain even claimed he was “surprised” that it happened.

    It takes more than two years to fix the shithole left to the Democratic “majority” by the Republican-dominated Congress that had sat there since 1995. Yes, since 1995 (that’s a lot of shit to clean up) – so don’t go trying to blame Clinton either, because it’s hard to get stuff done with a Congress full of bastards who would rather talk about your sex life. That’s eleven years of Republican-owned Congress, during which time we saw the foundations laid for this crisis. They built this house of cards. It was the REPUBLICANS that let subprime lending happen. Don’t blame this shit on the people who inherited it. Blame the people who let it happen in the first place.

    Wow. Thank god I’m not a Girl Scout in your neighborhood. How many little cookie saleschildren have you shot so far? You, sir, are the reason America is a worldwide laughingstock. There was a time when people respected us for our greatness. It’s people like you who have destroyed that.

  10. I have never shot anyone, thank you. and your “information” seems biased. funny you should bring up california. the democratic shithole that is southern california, is half the problems with this country. the democrats also let this happen. I dont recall any news stories warning the country 5 years ago. and if clinton didnt want his sex life plastered all over the news, maybe he shouldn’t have cheated with a loud mouthed woman. he deserved the railroading he got. mark my words, if barack osama gets in office, this country is going to hell in a handbasket. say goodbye to your rights. and hello to “national fried chicken day” HA!

  11. And there you have it, folks. The reason for Brandon’s opposition to Obama, in four little words. OH you think you’re so clever! National Fried Chicken Day? Why don’t you just come out and admit why you’re not voting for Obama, instead of pretending like you actually understand his policies and spouting FAUX News propaganda? And you may not like California, but 10% of Americans live here, so fucking deal with it.

    You seriously didn’t hear anything about the housing bubble? As in, BUBBLE, as in, FRAGILE, and will POP? Maybe you just weren’t paying attention over the past few years; people have been SCREAMING that this was going to happen. Even I knew it was going to happen, and I don’t even OWN a home. How did you possibly miss it? I am genuinely baffled.

    It was pretty simple – people were being given loans by predatory lenders who knew that their monthly payments would go up substantially in a few years, because for the first 5 years or so they would only be paying interest and not principal. Once that happened, they would no longer be able to afford to pay the bill, leading to mass foreclosures and defaulting on loans.

    Everybody kept saying the housing bubble was being artificially inflated, especially by investors and speculators who weren’t even going to live in the houses. Everybody was banking on the faulty notion that the house values would continue to rise.

    Economists (and Obama) kept saying, “it looks fine now, but once the mortgage payments go up in a few years, it’s not going to be fine.” But nobody listened, and look where we are now – people owe more than their houses are worth, and are unable to come up with the monthly mortgage payment. Not only are people foreclosing on their homes, but renters are being evicted because their landlords chose to pocket the money instead of paying the mortgage, without telling the tenants they were going to foreclose. It happened to the people next door to us. They had no idea the landlord was foreclosing until they got the eviction notice – he was just stringing them along as long as he could to milk the money out of them before kicking them out.

    It’s a fucked up situation that was totally and entirely preventable if only the banks weren’t so damned greedy. And how did we respond? Just like they knew we would – by giving them $700 billion in socialist corporate welfare. And who asked for that $700 billion? Your conservative president and his conservative buddies. And who told Congress that armageddon would come if they *didn’t* hand over the money? See above re: conservative president and conservative buddies.

  12. Your an ass with a capitol A. This man has every right to protect his life and/or property. The only criteria is that he believes his life or property is threatened. These punks are the reason why America is skeptical of Obama and his position of change. If he gets in (hopefully NOT) the change that will happen will not be to anyones advantage, except of course, for the thousands of freeloaders who believe that they are entitled to all the same benefits that those who work hard enjoy without the necessary work imput. The liberal DemoCRAPS are the sole source of the mortgage failures in this country. Why else would a person with NO ability to pay off a mortgage loan be given the same opportunity as those who have jobs and can meet their long term commitments. It’s a no brainer. The ENTITLELISTS believe they DESERVE a home; so what if I can’t pay for it. I’ll live in it for as long as I’m allowed and when I can’t pay, the bank will take it back and I’ll go live in a subsidized rent that the taxpayers are paying for. I will not lose anything. This is what is wrong with America!! Kick the freeloaders out and those that enable them. Obama is one of the enablers. You can bet your next bucket of KFC that all the black freeloaders who believe they are entitled to a free ride will be lining up at his door for a ticket to ride. Colin Powel is a prime example of what I’m saying. He couldn’t do it on his own, so now that Obama is set to reside in the White House he figures that this is a way to join the team, probably as a cabinet member. Once all is said and done, you can be sure we will have a “national fried chicken day” and “watermelon memorial day”. Sheeit man, we’ll even be talkin’ like dem black folk ova dare in da White House or should I say African American House. Cumon’ get wid it!
    AMERICA FIRST – VOTE McCain/Palin for President and keep America free!!

  13. Michael D. Houst Says:

    Actually, this man should never have been charged.

    He was fully within his rights to shoot the youths.

    1. They had repeated destroyed his sign, a clear violation of his Constitutional right to free speech.

    2. They trespassed on his property for the purpose of committing a crime.

    3. There were multiple individuals.

    4. The cops had been notified, but were unable to stop the crime.

    I don’t know if the man warned them to stop and tried to hold them for the police to get there; but they were trying to flee the scene of a crime. Personally, with a rifle I’d have shot the tires out or destroyed the engine of the car, or at last resort, shot them in the leg. But they got what the deserved.

  14. Amazing..you can no longer protect your property in America. I concur with Brandon 100% even though I am no McLiberal supporter.

  15. You people are such racist hypocrites it’s not even funny. 1) there was NO way this guy felt his home or his life were in danger, and somehow I don’t think protecting a lawn sign is the same as protecting your house, as far as the law goes. 2) If this had been a black guy shooting a couple of white kids who were messing with his Obama sign, you guys would be out foaming at the mouth and rounding up a lynch mob instead of sitting here whining about property rights. 3) If just the kids had been white instead of black, the guy would never have shot them. Period.

    A person’s skin color does not constitute sufficient reason to claim that you fear for your safety. But then, you guys know that. You just want to give people an excuse to shoot now and ask later.

  16. Frem, they weren’t given the same opportunity. Just what do you think a “subprime mortgage” is? When these people applied for loans, they should have been turned down, as they would have been by traditional lenders. Instead, greedy banks gave them super-high interest loans, convinced them that they would be able to afford them, and let them move into the houses, all the while knowing full well that after pocketing interest-only payments for a few years, they would be able to repossess the house and sell it again, uprooting the people they lured into these loans. They knew they’d be bailed out by the government. This bailout was the greatest heist in our nation’s history, and the winners were the banks, who now have both money *and* houses. I don’t know how you, as a conservative, can stomach it. I can’t even stomach it, and I am no conservative.

    Of course, this doesn’t even account for the homeowners who already owned their houses but were encouraged – VERY STRONGLY encouraged, even pressured – to take out 2nd mortgages. I know at least a couple people who are going to lose their house because of that – their house that they’ve lived in for more than a decade. It was a stupid move, but they never should have been allowed to do it.

  17. The Right To Bare Arms. If I caught a glimps of the liberals that took my McCain yard sign I think I would use my right to bare arms and protect my proprty too. I just had my sign stolen. I too live in a very liberal community but I felt very safe until this. I pray that we get someone in the WH that can calm these Liberals down.

  18. Uh, Sarah? You’ve had somebody conservative in the white house for 8 years. That’s the reason liberals are so pissed – he has destroyed this country beyond recognition.

    By the way, you certainly have the right to bare arms – just be sure to wear sunscreen.

    I’m sorry you had your sign stolen. I really do believe that it is inappropriate to take signs down from private property, and have discouraged people from doing it, no matter how much we want to. And believe me – I’ve wanted to. It’s just not the right way to win an argument – we all have the right to share our opinion by displaying political signs on our property. But *shooting* people who take them down? That’s not the answer. Do what the No on 8 and Obama folks have done when people have stolen their signs (because it certainly isn’t just conservatives losing their signs) – put out another one, along with another sign that says each one you put out reflects another donation to the campaign – so they’re really just helping raise money for McCain.

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