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Pam’s House Blend:: Newt Gingrich: angry gays promoting secular fascism

November 17th, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, Marriage Equality]

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Pam’s House Blend:: Newt Gingrich: angry gays promoting secular fascism.

Oh please, Newty. Don’t give me this bullshit. What about the gay man who was punched in the face by a Yes on 8 proponent who got out of his truck to hit him? What about the family – including children – who had a gun flashed at them by an off-duty CORRECTIONS OFFICER who was taunting them, saying “Look what I have…” What about our community members who have been beaten, tortured and murdered just for being LGBT? What about the way we’ve had our fundamental rights ripped from us time and time again? What about the teenagers who have been so rejected and mistreated by their families and communities, and forced to feel such deep and misguided shame, that they have taken their own lives to get away from the pain?

This protesting is NOTHING compared to what we’ve had to deal with as a community, and it’s NOTHING compared to what you deserve.

And you’re going to criticize the boycotts? SERIOUSLY? After the American Family Association has been staging wide-scale boycotts on companies for YEARS, for “sins” including providing domestic partnership benefits, advertising on gay-themed television shows, including sexual orientation in their non-discrimination policies, or saying “Happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”?

Seriously? You’re going to complain about us refusing to fund companies that fund our oppression?

And all from a guy with a lesbian sister? Why are the most hateful always the ones with queer family members? (Don’t forget, Pete Knight had a gay son and a gay brother.) Are you that unwilling to deal with your own families instead of trying to legislate us away and punish the rest of us for your inability to accept that you have a gay family member? If you believe in “family values” so much, why don’t you start valuing your own families, and leave ours alone???

Incidentally… the major leaders in this fight for marriage equality are religious leaders. We’re not all godless heathen, and you know it, Newt Gingrich. You, on the other hand… YOU are the one who cheated on your wife (even while you were leading the crusade against Pres. Clinton for doing the same), bringing shame to yourself, your family, and your party. YOU are the one who needs to take inventory of your sins. So go sit in a corner and start counting them, and leave us the HELL alone. Glass houses, man. Glass fuckin’ houses.

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