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Holocaust survivors to Mormons: Stop baptisms of dead Jews – CNN.com

November 10th, 2008 [General, Religion]


Holocaust survivors to Mormons: Stop baptisms of dead Jews – CNN.com.

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15 Responses to “Holocaust survivors to Mormons: Stop baptisms of dead Jews – CNN.com”

  1. religious whackos…just another example of the stupidity & ignorance of all religious people…who cares what people do or believe, as long as it doesn’t hurt someone else!!!!!!
    Give it rest and enjoy life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. It does hurt them; it makes them victims all over again.

  3. That is interesting. It sounds like the Jews are saying they believe what the Mormons are doing is valid. Are they saying Mormon doctrine has merit? That is intersting.

  4. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! If you’re can’t laugh after reading this story then you have no sense of humor. Mormons are hilarious

  5. Mormons are *******idiots. I used to work with a bunch of them…what whack jobs! give up on your fake religion!

  6. This is silly. And for Jews or anyone else to care about it is foolish. A bunch of crazies baptizing dead people doesn’t change anything about the real person. Baptism is something a person has to choose for himself or it doesn’t mean anything anyway.

  7. People completely misunderstand what’s going on with proxy baptisms. No one in the LDS church believes this makes those being baptized Mormons. Mormons believe that the ordinance of baptism is required to progress in the next life, and we do proxy baptisms to make that ordinance available to any who would accept it posthumously. We believe in an afterlife where these souls continue to learn and have choices. Such a baptism doesn’t “take” unless that soul accepts the offer. So who is *anyone* to make that decision for them? They’re perfectly free to reject or accept it themselves; it’s a gift. It in no way negates their Jewishness or martyrdom, and certainly doesn’t victimize them.

    If the Pope wants to bless me, I take it in stride as a nice gesture, but I don’t believe he really has any authority to do so. If people don’t share Mormons’ beliefs, I don’t see why proxy baptism makes a hill of beans of difference to them. If we’re right, then it’s a wonderful gift. If we’re not, it’s an inconsequential waste of our time.

  8. Those wacky Mormons are at it again.

  9. Unbelieavable. The mormons just keep finding better and better ways to prove to the world that they would be better suited for life in the 14th century. If you can sprinkle some holy water on ashes and change dead people’s religious beliefs, certainly you can find a way to teleport/transmogrify/beam, yourself up to the big family reunion that is just waiting for your appearance. Please, don’t be late.

  10. Please, tell me, how does this make them victims? As I understand the practice, Mormons believe the decision to accept the baptism rests with the ‘victims’. If they want to remain a Jew, they simply choose that. How are they hurt?

    Or do you mean the living Jews are hurt? If you actually read the article, a church authority is quoted as saying their policy is to only allow family members to baptize holocaust victims. So the Jewish community’s hurt feelings should supersede the desires and choices of a family?

  11. The real question should not be why do Mormons follow the ancient biblical practice outlined in the New Testament in 1 Corinthians 15:29 “Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead.”

    The real question should be ‘when will the Jewish people accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior?’ As a Mormon missionary in Eastern Europe, I witnessed and taught a handful of concentration camp survivors who wanted Jesus Christ in their lives. What a remarkable experience that was!

  12. How does anyone know what their ancestors wanted? I certainly hope my great grandchildren don’t one day decide my religion or church for me. Baptism after death is just about the stupidest insult I have heard about lately. Leave the dead in peace, with the choices they made in life.

  13. They should sue the Mormon church. The Mormons, like most Christian sects, have no respect for the religious beliefs of other cultures. Personally, I think all religions are just ignorant myths and superstitions. But the Mormons are one of the worst. The Jews should try to get a court order barring them from continuing this stupid practice and then jail anyone who doesn’t comply.

  14. Peter, your comments are the ultimate proof that with friends like you, we don’t need enemies.

  15. Jim, no, they baptize family ancestors but they *also* baptize Jewish concentration camp victims, regardless of their familial lineage relative to the Mormon church. So this has nothing to do with the families in that respect – and in fact the families of these victims have demanded that they *stop* doing this. It makes them victims all over again because it negates the truth that they *died* specifically because they were Jewish. They *died* for who they were – and in many cases they were killed by people *in the name of Jesus*. What on earth makes you think they would want this after death?

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