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Gay marriage supporters take to California streets – CNN.com

November 7th, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, Marriage Equality]


Gay marriage supporters take to California streets – CNN.com.

I am so glad they are covering this in the national news, although I do have to say that the numbers are being downplayed tremendously. Generally speaking, whenever they give you a numeric estimate, you can almost guarantee that the real number present was at least twice that, if not three or four times the official estimate. But other than that little flaw, I’m glad they’re reporting on it. It’s been truly inspiring to see so many people take to the streets, especially since these are both LGBT Californians AND their straight allies, friends, family, etc. People are furious.

It still amazes me that church leaders have actually suggested that Prop 8 wasn’t directed toward any particular group. Just who do they think they are kidding?

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48 Responses to “Gay marriage supporters take to California streets – CNN.com”

  1. I frankly don’t understand the protests…the people of California defined that marriage should be defined between a man and a woman. All the arguments for gay couples being allowed to adopt children makes no sense either…it is unnatural. If the gay couples want children, why are they not creating them as our bodies are clearly designed to do?…because it doesnt work. Defining being “gay” as qualifying anyone to be a member of a minority is absurd. We can create a zillion minorities from different variations of what people choose to do that is different or out of the norm regarding their sexuality or various preferences…it simply has nothing to do with being recognized as being a minority. I don’t have a problem with gays having their relationships or doing what they want with each other but don’t involve children that were created from heterosexual relationships or try to portray “marriage” to children as anything but being between a man and a woman. If it were not for traditional marriage and the use of our bodies as they were designed the homosexuals would strictly not exist because they cannot reproduce themselves from their very relationship model.

  2. Reality Check Says:

    The amazing part of this is not that 52% believe Marriage Is between a man and woman only.

    The amazing part is that almost 48% believe thousands of years of values based civilization should be thrown out based on a fallacy of in-equality.

    Everyone has the same right to marry. All may marry someone of the opposite sex over the age of consent.

    This is exactly the same as no one can commit murder applies to all – even those born with a tendency to murder.

  3. Reality Check Says:

    The logical argument FOR gay marriage is only as valid as the following argument.

    1. US States have laws that ban performing a certain biologically necessary function in certain places.

    2. This biological function is necessary and individuals are born physiologically compelled to perform it. This is a scientific fact.

    3. While all laws permit this act for all people, they do not permit it in the manner some people are born wanting to perform it. There is no dispute that many are born with a compelling, strong, fundemental need to perform this act in a manner banned by the laws of virtually all US States.

    4. Because all people are not born the same, laws that do not permit this act to be performed in the manner some people are born “wanting and needing” to perform it, the equal rights of a minority are being violated.

    Therefore, all laws banning people from dropping their pants and defecating in a public street should be struck down because they impose the majorities’ values and preferences on a minority in an area where all people have a strong, innate, biological need for relief.

  4. It’s nice to hear so many are coming out and visiting our Holy sights and learning about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. As you know, you are welcomed to come and learn more about the truest Church on earth any time you like (www.lds.org). We just ask that you come with the Spirit of Christ rather than the spirit of contention. You will be glad you did. I promise. 🙂

  5. Grant, your argument about biology means nothing in today’s world. There are millions of children who need homes who are not getting them because they are not infants, or are not white, or have disabilities. Gay couples adopt these children in higher percentages then straight couples do, giving them a happy, stable family structure they would never have been able to have otherwise. Additionally, gay couples can and do procreate. It’s the funniest thing – last I checked, my uterus still works, as do my ovaries. I will have children, and they will be biologically mine, and I’ll do it without having heterosexual intercourse. You will not stop me. And my children will know they were not an unwanted accident like so many children of straight unions. And Grant? The very fact that you justify your argument with “I don’t have a problem with…” shows me that you do indeed have a problem. If you didn’t, you would know that being gay is not about who you fuck. It’s about who you love, and about who you share your life with. And you know what else? I guarantee you that if everybody on this planet was gay, reproduction would still occur, and it would happen without heterosexual intercourse. Unlike the ancient Hebrews, we educated gay people actually know how reproduction and fertilization work. We know you don’t need sexual intercourse in order to fertilize a human egg. We know it takes raw materials, not sexual acts.

  6. This one should be bigger: organized protest rally Saturday Nov. 8 at 6pm in Sunset Junction. Info at http://www.afterprop8.org.

  7. Reality Check, that is virtually identical to the argument used by opponents of interracial marriage.

    They said that thousands of years of tradition dictated that people procreate within their own race.

    They said children would be confused if they had parents of different races.

    They said God put us on separate continents because he wanted us to remain separate races.

    And they said… wait for it… a black person has the EXACT SAME RIGHT to marry somebody of the same race as a white person has to marry somebody of the same race.

    It’s amazing how unoriginal you people are.

    And your argument about public defecation? God, I hope you have gay children. For your sake. For their sake, I hope not. Someday you will learn. In the meantime, could you please go start a campaign against dihydrogen monoxide, that colorless, odorless, tasteless killer of millions, and stop wasting my time with ridiculous analogies?

  8. Lee, perhaps more people would feel welcome in your church if your church wasn’t one of the richest corporations in the world and pouring money into political causes in violation of IRS codes.

  9. It seems that parts of society like to define the “norm” according to judaic-christian tradition which states sexuality between “man” and “woman” and nothing else is the “norm”. Moreover, the only way for them to be recognized is when they procreate. I guess having a look at nature will show us (and there is increasing scientific proof) that sexuality out there is a lot more diverse than moralist authorities would have liked to imagine.
    Speaking of adoption and children in gay couples, if we drop the whole judaic-christian tradition and morality and have a look at what is REALLY happening, look at children that have actually grown up in gay and lesbian couples, we can see that they live lives that are as happy as the lives of children from mixed couples, maybe a bit more openminded even. Their problem is not a problem of “identity” because of the lack of some father or mother figure but rather the judgement of some moralist parts of society out there claiming that the children are not growing up in a naturally desired way. Where does the problem come from? The relationship with their parents or the way they are treated by “some” parts of society?
    Last but not least, if we have a look at the different results based on age groups, we can tell that in California, the majority of young people voted AGAINST Proposition 8. Apparently society is changing, and it is only a matter of time until a majority will realize that the moralist values that judge homosexual couples are going to be a thing of the past. Sad for the ones that got married now, hope for the near future!

    BTW Myself, I have been happily observing a gay couple of storks that has been living in the north of the Netherlands for a long time. I don’t think they are not normal OR that they picked this country because they like to live in a country where they can legally live together with all the legal rights that also apply to mixed-sex stork couples :).

  10. Your arguments dont hold up..sorry

    “I frankly don’t understand the protests…the people of California defined that marriage should be defined between a man and a woman”

    Gays are a minority, NO one can argue that. So, let use another minority for example, African Americans. The 15th amendment and the Voting Rights act of 1965 to be exact.

    The constitution prohibits discrimination of a minority by a majority. Simply put, if there was a vote that would decide if blacks would be allowed to vote in 1787, they would lose, simply because they were a minority. Just because the majority votes one way, does not it RIGHT or JUST. This is how and why the constitution DEFENDS the rights of all citizens, majority or minority.

    “All the arguments for gay couples being allowed to adopt children makes no sense either…it is unnatural”

    I can understand where you are coming from here. I’m a straight male. I understand the role of a male/female figure in the upbringing of a child. HOWEVER, many gay man/woman come from very “natural” traditional marriages with strongly defined male/female role models.

    “If it were not for traditional marriage and the use of our bodies as they were designed the homosexuals would strictly not exist”

    Yet as stated above many of the gay people come from traditional healthy marriages.

    “the use of our bodies as they were designed”

    Who is to say what we were designed for. You, me, some religious leader, a political activist?

    Using your logic I can then label Male/Female Anal sex as un-natural. The Anus has no reproductive function. Add Oral sex to the list, masturbation etc. Therefore we should also ban all marriages where the couple indulges in ANY form of sex, other than that which our bodies were “designed” for. Fair is fair right, that is what your argument is implying.

    Realistically, Sex is not solely for reproduction, for many people there is another deep purpose for it, its has been referred to as, making love.

    “because they cannot reproduce themselves from their very relationship model”

    Again according to your logic, I can then argue that a marriage between a man and a woman should be nullified if either party is for whatever reason un-fertile, un-able to produce offspring.

    I’m not even going to get into the medical/scientific advancements that further debunk your point.(surrogacy etc)

    Reality Chk, you are comparing being attracted to someone of the same sex, as being equal to being a murderer. That is ridiculous.

  11. One last comment, on a website that was in favor of Proposition 8, homosexuality was qualified as a “lifestyle choice”. I don’t know any homosexual how chose a lifestyle as if it were a moment in your life where you chose to either be heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual. You discover your sexuality, it is NOT object to change (even if some claim they managed to hal themselves by CHOSING to become religious in a certain way!). All a homosexual person can do, is accept this part of his or her life. A part of life that is not “visible” like a colour of skin but something you have will need to discover and integrate in your life.

  12. Mark and Obscanity, you make valid points in defense of gay marriage, and the analogies against it in this thread thus far have mostly been unsound.

    However, if you give rights to one non-traditional group to marry, you must give those rights to all. For example, the long-standing tradition of having multiple wives must be acknowledged and legalized for any group wishing to practice it. As long as all parties are consenting, there is no good reason why the definition of marriage should be changed to accommodate one group of people and not another.

  13. Phil Phitnum Says:

    What this means is that America isn’t ready for this yet. Right now people are scared about the economy. Their 401k has taken a beating, their house isn’t worth what it was and they’re not sure if their job will be around in 6 months. If they ( gay movement) push too hard, they could encounter a backlash that could set them back a generation. Be patient and smart and you will get there in 10 years.

  14. The people of California (Mexico) have spoken. Live with it. Funny that demonstrators are blaming the Mormon church. The media reported the proposition was passed by Blacks and Hispanics. You know, all those illegals who have California drivers licenses and now vote. The result of your sanctuary city status. How’s that working for you now? We love it….we now control the U.S.

  15. in response to Lee I dont think that myself,my family or anyone with the good sense to understand gods true word would be glad to visit or even view your church if the truth of your present and past beliefs were known you fight against gay marriage but believe it fine to have more than one wife at a time, religions that charm snakes how much more odd and absurd can you get. I for one along with half of the civilized world are tired of the blurred lines between church and state and will fight until those lines are clearly drawn your beliefs past or present are not mine and the last time i checked i was still a tax paying citizen of this country and no matter what my sexual orientation (by the way i am straight) i deserve to make my own choices without some religious crack pot or my next door neighbor iterfereing in that so bring it on Lee i”m glad to see these people standing up against you and your kind

  16. Who’s going to stand up for the vote of the people? This is a democracy. The majority vote has spoken! If the vote was turned around the other way people would have to accept that as well.
    If Proposition 8 gets over turned because of activist, or because of a loud minority then we no longer have a democracy. Is trading a democracy in to silence the few worth the price? No it’s not.
    Take our vote away, and you take away everyone’s freedom.

  17. A lot of Blacks, and Latinos voted this election day, and this is a big part as to why Proposition 8 went through. I think Obama should speak on this issue. But he should support the voters, and take up for this great democracy.

  18. I’ve struggled with the interpretation of moral values for most of my life. Since early childhood, we are taught at an early age to shun, discriminate against anyone that doesn’t fit our own set of personal moral values, rather it be race, creed, sexual orientation, and a long list of others.

    That is a long time of implied views on what shapes our character, views of other minorities, and the bigotries we instill in our own set of moral values. In trying to understand others view point, you can’t help but to project your own views of what you are feeling at the time.

    If you aren’t subjugated to discrimination you are more likely to discriminate. If you are discriminated against, you are less likely to project discrimination on others. Boy was I wrong! It seems to me that the ones that were discriminated against are turning to discriminating against other minorities, which is sad! Forget not whence ye came!

    You don’t have to look far back in history to view rampant racism, bigotry, but does it still exist? The answer is sadly, yes! Even though this year we have elected our first black president, our racism, bigotry, prejudices are still visible. The votes on prop 8, Arizona & Florida were sadly, a reminder to me that we as a people have come a long way, but still have very far to go!

    What it gives us is hope for the future. America does show, however, the remarkable achievement of the civil rights movement and King’s achievement of equality for blacks, there is hope for all. We as a people looked past race, stereotypes, bigotry, and our own misguided prejudice to elect this wonderful man to lead our great nation!

    Some people have the luxury of never being discriminated against, count your blessings, others have to endure it on a daily basis. Which I have come to realize makes us stronger and more in tune to overcome challenges we face. My partner and I of 14 years have no intention on marrying, but we don’t have that option to choose, if we did! Some say marriage is an institution, but most end in divorce, which is against the very principle of marriage in the first place. When two people are joined as one how can they separate?

  19. Paul, the Yes on 8 people are the one reporting to the media that their victory was the result of the minority vote. It is not true. They are trying to stir up resentment between LGBT and other minority communities, and shift the blame from themselves. The truth is that we could have gotten another 20% of the black vote and still lost on Prop 8 – but 1-3% of the white vote would have flipped it. The truth is they were running a campaign of misinformation, and anywhere between 5-10% of voters thought they were voting for gay marriage. This wasn’t helped by the fact that Yes on 8 called THOUSANDS of voters in the weeks before the election and told them they were from the Gay and Lesbian Center, reminding them to vote Yes on 8 to protect gay rights, if they said they favored gay marriage. We even had people coming up to us ON THE DAY OF THE ELECTION who weren’t sure what a yes vote meant and what a no vote meant. People are confused by double-negatives, especially when the confusion is reinforced by the Yes campaign.

    In any event, constitutional revisions and major changes are NEVER, EVER subject to a simple majority. Didn’t you wonder why it would take 50.01 percent of the vote to CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION while it requires 2/3 of the legislature to approve the state budget? Minor amendments only take a majority vote, but major constitutional revisions such as this one require much more.

    Prop 8 was wrongly submitted to the people. It flies against California’s laws regarding constitutional revision. The court did not remove it from the ballot because they didn’t feel they needed to decide on the law until it was determined whether or not it would pass. But they will hear the argument now.

    You make it sound like the victory was overwhelming. It was not. The margin was a mere 500,000 – in California, that is not much. You’re talking about 5.6 million saying yes, and 5.1 million saying no. The “will of the people” argument does not work here, especially because of the mass confusion as to what a yes vote meant and what a no vote meant.

    At no other time in history has a *simple majority* been able to take rights away from people in this manner. Our federal constitution requires THREE FOURTHS of the states to approve an amendment. The Prop 8 people filed this initiative incorrectly; it is not a simple amendment of technicality, but a major revision, because it eliminates the Constitutional requirement of equal protection under the law by removing rights from a suspect class, and it eliminates the right of the court to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority, which is the PURPOSE of the judiciary in the first place. As a revision Prop 8 required approval of 2/3 of the legislature before it could even be put before the people. They did not do this.

    As for the argument somebody made about bigamy…. this is like saying that a person should be allowed to be in a domestic partnership with one person AND be in a marriage with somebody else. You’re getting rights twice. The purpose of limiting bigamy, in my opinion, is preventing people from “double dipping.” When you marry, you merge your legal identity with that of another person, and become a single family unit. You can’t do that if you have already merged and become a single family unit with somebody else. You can’t get a tax break on one marriage and then turn around and get an additional tax break on another marriage.

    Now, if a husband and two wives all want to join as a single family unit, I really don’t care – but they will ALL be mutually responsible for one another, the two wives will be married to each other as well as the husband, and you will have to allow two husbands to marry one wife too – it can’t be limited to only husbands having multiple wives.

    They will split their spousal pensions, and if one of them leaves, he or she might wind up paying alimony to both of the two remaining people. And they will ALL have child custody and child support obligations to the children of the marriage, regardless of who actually gave birth. If that’s okay with you, then I really don’t care. But one person does not get to be individually and separately married to two different people at one time. It is receiving the same benefit twice.

  20. Paul H., I presume you were in support of segregation, and were opposed to interracial marriage, correct? Were you out there in the 50’s standing next to George Wallace and others when they refused to let black children into the white schools? Because I’ll tell you – that was a damned unpopular court decision, and flew in the face of your so-called democracy – people did not want desegregation. The decision supported the rights of the minority over the will of the people.

    But then, given your other comment, I can only assume you *are* a racist and *do* support segregation.

    Similarly, the court overturned another California constitutional amendment because it discriminated. A few decades ago the legislature passed a housing non-discrimination bill based on racial discrimination. The people were like, “What the fuck? I deserve the right to discriminate!” so they passed an amendment to allow themselves to discriminate against people of color by not giving them access to housing.

    And guess what?


    The rights of the minority must not be subject to the tyranny of the majority. That is the foundation of this country’s democracy. Why else do tiny states with ridiculously small populations have the same number of senators as California, where 10% of Americans live? Why should Montana and Alabama have the same say as California when we have millions upon millions of people more than they have? Because THE MINORITY HAS RIGHTS TOO.

  21. Paul,

    from the get go voters had no right to vote on such an issue to begin with marriage is a very personal thing between the parties involved and god NOT the next door neighbor and you these things should never be put to a popular vote they should be reserved for such things that involve the whole community and peoples personal lives (and i use that term loosely now) are just that personal

  22. I support prop 8 I have friends that are gay,so you can’t say I’m anti gay. They already have domestic partnership they get all the benefits and they also get the piece of paper. Marriage should ALWAYS be between a man and a woman. I don’t go to church so that can not be used against me for what I believe. It was the gays that got the prop on the ballot and now they are pissed off that they didn’t get what they wanted from it. If you don’t agree with what other Californian’s believe then go find a state that is okay with taking another right from straight Americans.. They are blocking intersections and getting in elderly supporters faces and the police are doing nothing… probably because they are know that if they try to arrest them or what not and something goes wrong then its a hate crime…isn’t that convenient???

  23. C2- I agree.
    Being married to 1 person seems to be hard enough, I dont know why you’d wanna be married to more than one lol.

    Phil- I understand what you are saying, although in essance is like having told the African Americans back in the sixties, to just hold up a bit, we’ll treat you like equal human beings in 10 yrs..Its hard to swallow, but I agree, one must know when and where to choose battles…

    Sammy- You are terribly mis-informed. Illegals, dont get to vote. Even legal residents/immigrants DO NOT have the right to vote.You have to be a citizen. Dont believe the lies.

    Paul you said:
    “Who’s going to stand up for the vote of the people? This is a democracy. The majority vote has spoken!”

    This is why there is a CONSTITUTION.Its intended to PROTECT the rights of minorities and keep them from being DISCRIMINATED against from a Majority. Any law that Discriminates any group, be it a majority/minority is UN-CONSTITUTIONAL, period.

  24. I support Grant. One thing that the gays and the court’s are not thinking about it how screwed up are the children raised by gay couples? I know I have a male friend that was raised by 2 women and he was really messed up for all his younger life. How is that fair to the child.

  25. The definition of marriage is between a man and a woman in California. This does not limit people from living with a person of the same sex, it only does not allow them to call this bond marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Men and women compliment each other in the most beautiful way that nature allows and together, given that everything is working, they can produce children.

    Same-sex partnerships allow two people to get to know each other very well and to share many life experiences. Same-sex partnerships don’t allow the two people to produce children or compliment each other in all the same ways that marriage allows for (although in general two people most likely do compliment each other in many ways, it is not in the same ways as a man and a woman compliment each other).

    Defining marriage between a man and a woman is simply a way of reminding people that for our society to progress and to bear children and to have them nurtured in the best environment we need marriage, we need unions to exist between a man and a woman.

  26. Hmm you are assuming that I am at an age that I lived through segregation because I believe in the vote the many over the one judge.
    I’m not unsympathetic towards anyone’s cause, even though I’m not championing that cause.
    My comment’s are more about preserving our Democracy more than they are against Gay Marriage. And my comments about Blacks, and Latinos being a big part of Prop 8 going through is just fact. Read, and listen to the news! When I say minority in my comments I’m actually referring to the numbers, and not a race at that point.
    I’m far from racist, I reach out to everyone. I don’t like the race card being played for any reason because I do think this country is growing up in that respect. I’m a realist so I know we have a ways to go. But Obama couldn’t have been voted President without some of the white vote as well.
    I was born in 65 I never saw segregation. Don’t make things up because you don’t like what people say. That’s what these politicians do to each other. We are just two people on a blog. We still have freedom of speech, and to have an opinion don’t we?
    And we still have a Vote. Long live the Vote!!!

  27. Larry I some what agree with what you say, but the bottom line
    is that it was put to a vote, and Prop 8 passed. I really want to reiterate my point is the value of the Vote!!
    Please let’s preserve our right to vote, then let’s protect that vote after it’s cast.
    I’m not saying anything against Gay Marriage, or racial at all. It’s all about the vote!!!

  28. Mark again look at my comments when I say minority I am simply pointing toward the number of people who voted for, and or against prop 8. The constitution does protect everyone in the United States of America. Everyone.
    In this lawyer mentality country we change, pick apart the constitution, and change it to fit our cause or purpose.
    Mark the vote is one of our finest freedoms, when that fails or is taken from us……………….. What’s next?
    Freedom of religion, right to bear arms, freedom of speech? What are we willing to trade away?

  29. Using our bodies as they were designed?

    You’re basically limiting our bodies design to be those stated in the bible – that it is for procreation.

    Innately, our bodies take care of themselves. When we have urges to eat, we do. When we’re thirsty, it’s because we must drink. When it’s tired, it sleeps. When our bladders are full, we pee. When we’ve got to go, we go.

    The bible says having s*x with a woman on her monthly is forbidden as well but we all do it.

    We’ve got all kinds of bells and whistles on our bodies that I don’t think should be defined by a bible. Men have orgasms when the prostate is aroused. Woman have orgasms anally as well.

    If that wasn’t natural in some way, then why are we born that way? Are you saying that some of our natural bodily functions are good while some are bad?

    Straight guys love a finger up the rear too.


    There are many, many white hicks in the south that would love to vote black rights away back to slavery. Come to think of it, they’d love it if those pesky women would lose their right to vote as well.

    Yes.. let’s go ahead and put more civil rights to vote and see how they go.

    Good one.

  31. Shall we make anal and oral illegal? Cause you know, that must not be what our bodies were designed for because it doesn’t result in procreation.

  32. Oh please. Don’t even make me go into the explanation of how domestic partnership and marriage are different. As somebody who is legally a domestic partnership AND married (to the same person, obviously) I can tell you that there is ABSOLUTELY a different set of rights that come with marriage. Until you’ve lived as a registered domestic partner and as a legal spouse, you truly have no idea. There *are* different rights and different protections, most of which you never actually hear about. I’ll mention two quick ones here – nobody ever asks you to prove your marital status when you are with your spouse in the hospital. As domestic partners we have to carry documentation at ALL times – it’s like fucking Nazi Germany. “Where are your papers?”

    Also, the word “marriage” confers the right of portability to couples. Other states that recognize same-gender marriage from out of state, like New York and Rhode Island, do NOT recognize domestic partnership rights. So as legal spouses, we can go to my mom’s home town and be safe if we have an accident, but as domestic partners, we cannot. These are not equal rights. These are qualified rights.

  33. I was stunned to hear that 70%+ of Blacks & Hispanics supported Prop 8, Arizona & Florida! If it is that easy to discriminate against your fellow minority, how easy will it be for a right wing activist to put on a ballot to discriminate against Blacks & Hispanics. Over-turn State statutes, State courts, hell even Federal statutes! Blacks & Hispanics forget they are 13% & 15% minorities! We must stick together as minorities, not put wedge issues between us.

    Blacks are quick to say that it isn’t the same struggle, but it is, whether they admit it or not! Discrimination is what it is, Discrimination! White churches still speak out against Blacks, doesn’t make it right, so I’m quick to defend Black interests! Not anymore, what they showed me on Prop 8 is they only care for themselves! Blacks have come along way in 40+ years, but it doesn’t take long to fall, either!

    Without the support of other minorities and Whites that have compassion on Blacks & Hispanics struggles, you wouldn’t be where you are today! Think about that when you allow bigotry & prejudices to influence your lives! With Prop 8 so easily crafted to throw out a State Supreme Court ruling, how easy will it be for them to throw out Civil Rights legislation? Didn’t think about that, did you? Black & Hispanics have lost my voice for their causes and their struggles! End Affirmative action, control our boarders, and throw them all out on their ears!

    What there needs to be is a Federal Amendment to ban special interest ballots or ballots all together! I also noticed Abortion Bans on several State ballots, but they didn’t pass!

  34. Michael, be careful about accepting the Mormon propaganda about the black vote. Notice that they keep pushing this idea that black people are the reason Prop 8 passed. It is not true. Although the black community did come out in large numbers to support Prop 8, remember that this was based on *religion* and not race – and the numbers simply do not support the idea that it was black people who cost us Prop 8. There simply were not as many black voters as people seem to think there were. A *miniscule* percentage of increase among white voters, on the other hand, would have changed the outcome entirely. In any event, if we want to increase understanding of lgbt issues in the black community, we have to talk to them, not turn our backs on them. And don’t forget that there are a LOOOOOOOTTTTT of queer black people, many of them out marching against Prop 8 right this moment. Don’t make them suffer even more than they already are!

  35. Oh Paul. You are so naive. Within 20 or 30 years, the anti-religion movement in this country *will* have the voter support to pass amendments and legislation to restrict the rights of the religious – and they will do it, because they see what happens when the religions are given too much power, and they are jaded as hell. Nobody wants to have religion imposed on them – so they will find technicalities and loopholes, and they WILL vote to restrict religious rights, especially in states like California. When that happens, do you want the courts to protect you against the tyranny of the masses, or do you want them to throw up their hands and talk about the will of the people? Think carefully about that answer.

  36. Iron_queen, do you frequently make judgments about an entire community based on your experiences and interactions with one or two people? You know there’s a word for that, right?

    Every community is going to have its fucked up people. If the guy you know is anywhere in his 20’s or 30’s, odds are he was not raised by a lesbian couple who chose to bring him into this world; he was probably the product of a divorce that eventually led to a lesbian coupling. That is not the case for today’s children with same-gender parents. And every single study shows that there is little or no difference between the children of same-gender parents and the children of opposite gender parents. Children of divorce are another story altogether.

    Now, there IS a difference between the children of married parents and the children of single parents. Frequently you will see people who argue that a children is x% more likely to do y if they don’t have a mother and a father. But that is compared to a child who only has one parent, or a child who is a product of divorce and is only being raised by one parent. These studies are virtually never about comparing children from two parents homes based on who their two parents are. It is always about comparing one parent to two parents. To pretend that a gay couple is the same as a single parent is nothing more than absurdity.

    As to whether males and females balance each other out or complement each other in some sacred way – certainly they do – when the male and female are HETEROSEXUAL. For a person who is homosexual, that balance will *only* come from somebody who of the same gender.

  37. Whoa, Iron_queen, who on earth gave you the idea that it was the gays who got Prop 8 on the ballot? Prop 8 was placed on the ballot by the anti-gay Mormon Church and the Alliance Defense Fund, and they were collecting signatures for it LOOOONG before the Supreme Court ruling came down. *They* did this in order to lay the groundwork for suing to take away domestic partnership rights. I don’t know how you came up with the idea that we were the ones who asked for this, but you’re incorrect.

    Incidentally, just what rights would you have lost if Prop 8 had failed? You would still have the right to get married. It’s not like there is a limited number of marriage licenses to go around. You would have lost *nothing* if Prop 8 had failed, except maybe eventually your irrational sense of self-righteousness and your ability to point to the law and say that it proves you are better than me. You have no right to privilege yourself by barring me from my rights. This is exactly what the Constitution forbids.

    By the way… your “gay friends”? I sincerely doubt they forgive you for voting Yes on 8, if they even know you did. Oh, they’ll say they understand your right to your opinion… but unless they’re self-hating conservative closet-cases, they probably secretly wonder why you think you’re better than they are. Because you’re not.

  38. Lets put religion aside and look at this scientifically. Genders evolved because it both accelerates evolution and makes evolution more efficient. Sexual attraction then evolved as a result to motivate us to make babies with the opposite gender in a sole effort to perpetuate our race. Homosexuality, like impotence or infertility, prevents a person (is an obstacle) from using sexual attraction to perpetuate the human race and is therefore a sexual dysfunction. Our laws shouldn’t be based on religious beliefs but rather what helps progress and perpetuate our race and society. Unfortunately homosexuality hinders that naturally. I’ll explain further cuz I truely am trying to look at this objectively from an unbiased standpoint. If we all were gay and entered into monogamous gay relationships our race would cease to exist in ONE generation, the same as if we were all infertile. No argument can refute this. I know people can live satisfactory lives with this dysfunction, and its their right to choose to live with it, but it doesn’t mean its any less debilitating to the true purpose of sexual attraction. Legislation protecting gay marriage and accepting it as a “norm” or “standard” would hinder us as a society from finding a future cure. Many might be happy being gay but not all people are. The ones that aren’t happy being gay and recognize that its an misdirected sexual orientation aren’t the ones crowding the streets yelling at everyone. You may not associate with these people that want their sexual attraction appropriately focused towards the opposite gender, but don’t be so selfish as to hurt their chances for obtaining a cure. After all, no matter how prop 8 goes, gays will still have the rights to live however they want, be happy however they please! Cuz in all reality prop 8 doesn’t target gays; it targets marriage which affects ALL of us!!!

  39. Clark, how can you possibly say you’re approaching this from an unbiased point of view when you view homosexuality as a disease?

    See my previous comments – I guarantee you that if we all suddenly woke up gay, reproduction would still continue – but at a much slower and more controlled pace because there would be the truest form of birth control – as in, people would control when they gave birth, and there would be NO accidents.

    Did you ever stop to think that maybe nature is trying to tell us something by providing homosexuals in every generation, throughout human history? As in, “Hey humans – slow the fuck down”? The human population will soon be far beyond what the planet is capable of sustaining. There is already mass hunger and drought throughout the world, and people die every day simply because they could not get sufficient nutrition and hydration, or because they live in such close quarters that a single incident results in massive casualties (disease, buildings collapsing, earthquakes, etc).

    Gay and lesbian parents have children too, and they do it biologically – but they do it responsibly, when they have the economic and emotional resources to be good parents. Gay people are fertile people, even if they choose not to have genital contact with the opposite sex. If the whole planet turned gay all of the sudden, there would still be plenty of sperm, and plenty of ova, and PLENTY of turkey basters to go around. Although the people who wrote the Bible didn’t really understand this, the raw material is really all you need for reproduction. It doesn’t matter how it gets implanted. There would still be plenty of children – just not so many as to become unsustainable.

    Believe me – the planet would thank us.

  40. Wow,

    Clark how far back did you go to get that idea?if being gay is a disease then i wanna know which one in my family started it my straight father or mother or was it the aunt and uncle that came to visit. people are gay from the earliest memories and since i assume you are not then dont pretend that you know when,how or why it starts and you cant put religion aside (that’s what they want) the truth remains that separation of church and state in this country is a bunch of bull and their political power, which should not be there to begin with, needs to be dealt with here and now

  41. I am leaving this information hopeing that someone will see it and pass it on to other fair minded people that are tired of being taken advantage of go to the website 365 gay click on gay bans embolden cons. religious groups scroll through the letters there until you see a website in one of chucks letters that says mormons stole our rights .com there you will find a petition to strip them of their tax exempt status along with other a lot of other helpful inf. pay special attention to the sign something website

  42. Okay chill out girl. Do you want people to tell you that your view point is right, and everyone else is wrong. How about a vote, would that settle anything with you?
    I doubt that.
    Go on the View (Singular) They see things through a tunnel as well.
    Look, at the end of the day the vote didn’t go the way you thought it should. Guess what at the end of the day in America you get to fight another day. Guess what else in the middle east Gay get’s you dead, and being Christian get’s you dead, and other parts of the world speaking your mind like we are right now get’s you dead. Oh and guess what some places don’t even get the vote, and if they do sometimes that vote get’s you dead!
    Welcome to America where you are allowed to hate your country, and disagree with your government out loud. You can even burn the flag! Or you can put what ever flag you want on your flag pole. I mean why would we want to take these wonderful attributes for granite.
    Don’t bother replying I’m out of here. I like leaving comments, and disagreeing, but I don’t like playing patty cake back and forth.
    I will pray for you.

  43. Paul- I do see what you are saying, Its just flawed.

    The constitution PROTECTS the rights of minorites (not racial, just a minority whose right are at risk) In this case gay rights.

    NO law that discriminates is CONSTITUTIONAL, no matter if voted for or not. It simply does not work that way.

    No rights are taken away from people in traditional marriages, if gays are allowed the same rights, yet rights ARE BEING TAKEN away from a certain group of people due to their SEXUAL preference. THAT is DISCRIMINATION. DISCRIMINATION is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. No matter vho voted for what. Its like arguing to vote on segragation, its UN-CONSTITUTIONAL.

  44. Clark-“If we all were gay and entered into monogamous gay relationships our race would cease to exist in ONE generation, the same as if we were all infertile. No argument can refute this”.

    There are about 10,000 arguments that will refute this.
    Surrogacy – gays would still be fertile and thus able to reproduce. You are wrong.

    A cure?..ok man..

    As a straight man I CAN ASSURE you there is NO disease I can catch that would make me start liking penis…lol..seriously Sexuality is NOT that FRAGILE trust me!

  45. Paul, what, just because my identity could get me killed in another part of the world, I should be satisfied that here it only reduces me to second-class citizenship?

    Pray for me all you want. God knows better than to listen to people like you.

  46. Your not a second class citizen, and God simply knows better. And we simply just don’t agree.
    I said a pretty heart felt prayer for someone I never met. I do wish you well.

  47. Paul, I am a second class citizen. I have fewer rights than you have, based solely on my gender and sexual orientation, both of which are immutable. We can agree to disagree, but in the end, the law needs to treat us equally whatever our personal beliefs are, and right now, it does not.

    The vote is *one* part of democracy – but it does not supersede the other parts of our government, despite what people may think. The constitution is another part of democracy, and the people cannot vote to amend the constitution in a way that contradicts the rest of the constitution. You can’t say, “We have religious freedom, except we vote to exclude this one particular religion.” And the judiciary is still another part of democracy, which was designed to preserve the rights of the minority against… the vote. Unless you support racial discrimination, you cannot tell me that the vote should be the highest power, because the vote has supported racial discrimination time and time again, only to be stricken by the judiciary, which is just doing its job.

    I’ll say a prayer for you too.

  48. To all those who seek homosexual partnerships,

    You are not a second class citizen. Everyone has the opportunity to seek marriage as it is defined. You can choose whether you seek a partner of the opposite gender or same gender. One has inclinations one way or another or both, but still it is a choice. You are free to choose. I’m sorry for any difficulty that arises in your life because of sexual tendencies and I imagine that it makes life very hard. But one thing is clear, this involves a personal choice of lifestyle, the law restricts a certain lifestyle, it does not discriminate against anyone, just the choice of lifestyle.

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