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Proposition 8 Supporters – BOYCOTT LIST UPDATE

November 7th, 2008 [Civil Rights, Election 2008, General, Marriage Equality]

1 Comment »

Below is a list of resources to help you in your boycott of those individuals, businesses and organizations who either publicly endorsed or contributed money to the passage of Proposition 8. I cannot stress enough that this list must NOT be used for illegal activity, including but not limited to violence. This is not a witch-hunt, and it must not turn into discrimination. It is purely and simply about the refusal to subsidize your own oppression. It is about not handing money to those who will turn around and use that money to harm you. That is IT.

If you know of any further resources, please let me know. And remember, we do not fight hate with hate – use these lists ONLY to prevent your money from being used to fund your oppression. We do our cause no favors with violence or hatred – it’s wrong, and it makes us no better than them. And I cannot stress the importance of talking to people about why you are doing this. You are not punishing them for their beliefs – you are exercising your right to avoid contributing to the cause of hatred with your own money. If people who only donated a minimal amount come to understand that Proposition 8 was about hatred, and vow not to continue support for it or for similar propositions, then you can safely resume business with them without worrying that you will be funding oppression.

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One Response to “Proposition 8 Supporters – BOYCOTT LIST UPDATE”

  1. Prop 8 isn’t about hatred, Gay’s and you want to turn it into something its not! I see post comparing Gay and African Americans, they are not the same they are able to be married to one of their race or other race’s of the opposite sex. This is about keeping marriage between a man and a woman the way it has always been and should always be. There is domestic partnership where you get the certificate of DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP you get the benefits and all that go with it. So they have that we have marriage. They took away the straight man/womans right at common law marriage for them to have their domestic partnership, you cant have it both ways!

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