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Regarding Proposition Hate

November 6th, 2008 [Civil Rights, Election 2008, General, Marriage Equality]

1 Comment »

I find it fascinating that the comments on this eloquent post, and on so many others I’ve seen around the Internet, point to the black community and try to claim that they are responsible for Prop 8’s passage, as if to somehow absolve the Mormon church of its role in this campaign. Even that ridiculous blonde lady who keeps smirking on TV (she’s Mormon too) won’t shut up about the black voters, the black voters. But the black voters only constituted 10% of the entire voting population in CA. If you look at the monetary contributions to Yes on 8, an estimated 75-80% of the money raised came from Mormon wallets. So it’s hardly fair for Mormons to say, “Well, don’t blame us – go protest at the black church,” as I have seen on many websites with articles about the current protests. The black churches didn’t contribute millions of dollars, or fly thousands of people into the state to phone bank and go door to door and take taxis around the city to put up Yes on 8 signs. The Mormon Church did.

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One Response to “Regarding Proposition Hate”

  1. I understand what your saying about black churches and I apologize if we were wrong but you have to understand that we were being lied to (once again) by the mormons and told that blacks were the ones that voted so highly against it trust me I was as mysified as you to think that another minority would so heartlessly vote against us for the most part Americans are loving,caring people and I have raised my children to not look at a person from the outside but what lies on the inside. In time all this hatred will change because of people like you and I that hopefully know better and educate ourselves in turn educating the children we shape into future citizens. The lines between church and state in this country need to be defined much clearer and that is our message they have no business backing laws or contributing to them especially when their own background as a religion is as tarnished as the catholic and mormon religions are I am a christian also and believe that the church has a role in society but it certainly isnt being hateful

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