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ACORN answers voter-fraud allegations – CNN.com

October 31st, 2008 [Election 2008, General]


ACORN answers voter-fraud allegations – CNN.com.

“In nearly every case that has been reported, it was ACORN that discovered the bad forms and called them to the attention of election authorities, putting the forms in a package that identified them in writing as suspicious, encouraging election officials to investigate, and offering to help with prosecutions,” ACORN said in an October 9 news release.

So… when the Republicans say ACORN sent in a package of 1700 registrations and only 6 were valid… they leave out a pretty important detail: That was the package specifically marked as containing the registrations that ACORN had flagged as suspicious.

Typical scummy Republican fact-twisting.

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2 Responses to “ACORN answers voter-fraud allegations – CNN.com”

  1. The Game to help McCain.
    There is NO voter fraud.
    There are people who stand around grocery stores,
    and other areas in various neighborhoods trying to get people to sign petitions or register to vote.

    These workers get paid for each registration card they turn in, the more cards the more pay.

    When the day is over and they’ve only signed up two people the worker, Not the organization, the worker, will hide out and fill out the voter registration cards with fake names.

    The oraganization does not know they are fake until they start checking them out, but NO one can vote unless they show ID. and it match their registration.

    So stop trying to manipulate votes in McCain’s direction and stop trying to give McCain an excuse to want a recount IF, Senator Obama wins.

    The reporter from CNN who broke this dull elementary story is a bore, Dobbs is the typical “I want diversity” as long as it’s not in the White House.

  2. Well, there is voter fraud, but it isn’t being perpetrated by ACORN – it’s being perpetrated by Republican operatives who are trying to prevent people from voting, and targeting communities that typically vote Democratic. It’s a classic Republican tactic – if you want to get away with something, accuse the opposition of doing it first. That way everybody is paying attention to the other guy and nobody notices that you’re the one screwing around. And of course if you get caught, you can say, “Well, they were doing it too!” – even though they never were.

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