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Yes! Electric Orange Checking At Last!!!

February 4th, 2007 [Banking, Financial]

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My partner and I absolutely ADORE ING Direct. ING is a bank that deals primarily with savings and investments, but they finally, FINALLY have a checking account, and I’m so excited. Seriously. This is how I know I’m getting old – I get excited about a new bank service.

So yes – Electric Orange Checking! You can get paper checks if you need them, on a check by check basis, but most transactions are completed entirely online, which is how many of us already do our banking. Better still, you get a little over 3% interest on it, and overdraft fees are charged more like finance charges on credit cards, so you don’t get an obscenely high bank fee for a $3 overdraft!

ING has some of the highest interest rates around on savings accounts, especially savings accounts with no minimum balance. Right now I think it’s at about 4.5%. If you use the link I send to you and make an initial deposit of $250, you get $25 extra deposited into your account (and I get a referral bonus, yay). If you make less then $250 initial deposit I get no referral and you get no bonus, but you still get the way nifty interest rate and a great no-minimum-balance savings account. It’s all up to you! They also have great CD accounts with no minimum balances.

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