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The difference between ACORN and the GOP, in two simple articles

October 23rd, 2008 [Election 2008, General]

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Ex-ACORN worker: ‘I paid the price’ for voter registration fraud – CNN.com.

Ex-GOP operative tells cautionary tale about ‘how to rig an election’ – CNN.com.

Read both articles, and then you tell me which entity had a greater impact on actual votes cast, which is what really matters when it comes to voter fraud and voter repression.

The answer should be obvious. ACORN’s issues did not lead to a single vote being cast fraudulently. In fact, the only entity to actually suffer was ACORN, which paid workers for registrations that turned out to be faked. They were the victims in that ordeal.

For the GOP operative? Not so much. What he did – that is voter fraud, and that is how elections are stolen, and that is how democracy dies.

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