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Proof positive that the universe has a sense of humor

October 21st, 2008 [General]

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Yesterday we were walking through the middle of campus, and one of those crazy bible thumpers was standing on the walkway with one of those huge signs that tells everybody how much they are going to hell. From far away it looked like he had a huge crowd gathered around him… but as we got closer, we realized that he only had a few people engaging with him – the real crowd was about 10 feet away, forming a circle. At first I thought maybe they were having some sort of like, prayer circle to protest the crazy guy… but then I realized that the students were all clustered around a tiny baby squirrel chowing down on a piece of pizza, completely oblivious to the ruckus it was causing.

What a perfect way for the universe to send a this distraction so people can focus on things that are real and beautiful (okay, and skinny and hairless) instead of things that are hateful and violent.

Plus, it was SO CUTE.

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