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Sarah Palin appears on SNL…

October 19th, 2008 [Election 2008, General, Television]


…and boy, did they let her off easy. They didn’t give her a chance to wow America with her superior script-reading, word-parroting skillz, but they also didn’t really give her room to mess it up for herself. They pretty much wrote her a few snarky lines, and let her off the hook. Frankly, I’m kind of disappointed. I would have loved to see her trying to do improv or something.

Tina Fey, though, was hilarious, as usual. “The real one? Byee!” I wonder if they talked after the show, because onstage they barely made eye contact.

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5 Responses to “Sarah Palin appears on SNL…”

  1. Now curious George will have to host SNL and get free air time to make upo for the biased pro Palin air tiem. Not! She has been unfairly mocked by people who do nothing for this country and have no purpose in life other than to make a living out of being insincere.

  2. I bet Obama’s managers don’t let him do improv on the campaign trail again after letting slip his socialists views to Joe the Plumber.

  3. For the first time, Saturday Night Live has chickened out. After lampooning the infinitely lampoonable Palin for the last five weeks, the show suddenly turned sycophantic and, in the process, it was the least funny SNL since Palin’s nomination. That’s what happens when a show goes for ratings instead of sticking to what it does best, which is to tell the truth. You can’t make a joke out of a joke. Lorne Michaels knows that as well as anyone, yet he brought Palin on anyway. Why? Because he knew that even though the show wouldn’t be very funny, SNL would get insane ratings. What he didn’t realize was that giving this totally inadequate candidate that stage would allow Palin to deny that she hasn’t put herself out there. She can now say, “What do you mean I won’t talk to the media? I went on Saturday Night Live and walked right into that darn ‘lion’s den’.” This is the unintended consequence of Michaels’ decision to have Palin on the show.

  4. DE, it’s funny you should mention Joe the Plumber. It turns out he’s not your average plumber – or your average “random citizen.”

    Besides, even if nothing at that link is true, just how many plumbers do you know who make $250,000 a year? Really? If he’s doing that well, he deserves to pay up. After all, his money is coming from people who don’t make as much. Unless, you know, unless he’s installing diamond-encrusted pipes in rich people’s homes. But I doubt it.

    And Bill? “Curious George”? Really? Sorry – Bill, is that you? I can’t tell – could you just take off your white hood for a minute?

    John – I totally agree with you, but I don’t know if she’ll be able to use SNL as an example of the media, because she’s the one who begged to be on the show in the first place. But I definitely don’t think they should have let her on the show. What’s the point? I mean, I guess they figured fair is fair… but Palin and her lackeys are hardly fair, so all bets are off. It’s not like conservative pundits give fair airtime to the “other side.”

  5. Sorry Bill…Palin has not been “unfairly” mocked. On the contrary her background is being examined. Palin only received her first passport last year, her husband belonged to the radical Alaska Independence Party, a seccesionist group and she support them. She has lied about everything from selling a plane on e-bay to her support of the “bridge to nowhere”. She supports hunting wolves from planes and rape victims in Wasilla have to buy their own rape kits. Because of her extemeist views and life style Palin is clearly not ready for this position.

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