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Yes On 8 Worker Attacked – or so they say

October 14th, 2008 [Election 2008, General, Marriage Equality]

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Joe. My. God.: Yes On 8 Worker Attacked.

Wow. I have never read such a blatantly biased article about something that may or may not have happened like they said it happened. They’ve been killing us, beating us, and torturing us for YEARS, and encouraging violence against us, but god forbid one of them gets a black eye and a couple of stitches, and suddenly they’re brutally beaten, “seriously injured,” and are turned into martyrs for the cause? Let’s ask Matthew Shepard how badly he thinks Jose was injured. Maybe we could see what Lawrence King thinks of Jose’s black eye. Let’s ask Sakia Gunn if she thinks Jose’s injury is serious.

Oh wait, we can’t – because they’re DEAD.

Then again, it’s entirely possible this “assault” was staged in order to garner negative publicity for the No on 8 campaign. At this point I wouldn’t put anything past the Yes on 8 bigots.

The REALLY funny thing is that this guy is a “native of Mexico” who “just” became a citizen 2 months ago. Hm. Weren’t you people (Yes-on-8ers) the same ones voting to deny public services to “natives of Mexico” only a few years ago? Aren’t you the same people who rail on Mexicans, whether or not they are citizens? Aren’t you the ones who try to fight any Spanish-language education in our schools for fear that Spanish will replace English as the national language? And yet suddenly you’re willing to use them as poster children for your cause?

What. The. Fuck. Seriously?

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