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Netflix, Inc.


Another great reason to try Netflix now!

February 23rd, 2007 [Arts & Entertainment, General, Movies]

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Netflix, Inc.Here’s another great reason to give Netflix a try: Subscribers can now watch a limited number of movie hours right on their computers. Depending on your subscription plan, you get a selected number of hours each month to watch movies right from the Netflix website! I think it’s related to the dollar amount you pay – so the $9.99 plan gets you 10 hours a month, and the $14.99 plan gets you 15 hours per month – in addition to the DVD rentals.

They don’t have the entire stock of movies available, but there is a HUGE selection, and I have the feeling that they’ll make more films available as the service gets more popular. I believe they’re making the service available to customers gradually, but everybody should have it by June. We’ve already watched a few movies, and it’s SUCH fun! We even upgraded our plan so we can get more viewing hours each month (and more DVDs at a time!).

Did you ever have the urge to watch a certain movie right this minute? Satisfy your movie cravings now!

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