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What Do They Have To Hide? « Prop 8 Trial Tracker

January 14th, 2010 [General]

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What Do They Have To Hide? « Prop 8 Trial Tracker.

My favorite was when the Prop 8 attorney suggested that the “backlash” against LGBT people was the result of alleged “violence” against those who supported Prop 8. Even if there had been violence, can anybody say that Auschwitz was just the Nazis’ backlash against the Warsaw Ghetto uprising? Or that slavery and public lynch…ing were just a backlash against the Black Panthers? I’m sorry, but you can’t have a backlash until something happens to elicit a backlash. Until then, it’s just a lash. In any event, violence against LGBT people increased after Prop 8. On the opposite side, most of the alleged “violent” acts actually involve LGBT people choosing to stop spending their money at establishments that donated to Yes on 8. There were maybe one or two isolated incidents involving people who got punched after calling somebody a faggot or physically trying to take signs from somebody. You can hardly compare these isolated incidents to a history of widespread violence.

Frankly, I think the *lack* of anti-homophobe violence shows a tremendous amount of self-restraint on the part of a people who have been insulted, assaulted, beaten, violated, and murdered for decades, if not centuries.

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