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Lame-ass anti-marriage article

May 26th, 2009 [General]

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Prop 8 is a Distraction, or: NOW can we Dump Gay Marriage as a Cause? | The Bilerico Project.

The commenters really piss me off, particularly those who are whiiiiiining that unmarried hetero couples can’t have the same rights as married hetero couples. Why do people think they are entitled to those benefits when they haven’t taken on the responsibilities for which they are compensation?

Marriage is a contract between the couple and the state. You get certain perks, but in exchange you take on legal responsibilities toward another person, many of which are enforced at the end of your relationship, when you’d most like to shirk those same responsibilities you swore you’d uphold when times were brighter. Why should unmarried couples who CAN legally get married be entitled to the same rights as married couples when they refuse to accept the same responsibilities?

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