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Rick Warren’s faux inclusivity

January 21st, 2009 [General, Religion]

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Inaugural Irritant: Why Rick Warren’s Prayer Left Me Cold | The Wall of Separation.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt this way about Rick Warren’s speech. Everybody was so busy praising him for not condemning the queers that they seemed to miss how utterly disrespectful Warren was to people of other religions, namely to Jews. As I was watching him refer to Jesus, Jes?s, Isa, and Yeshua, the ABC News announcer noted something to the effect of, “Oh look, he’s being inclusive by mentioning the Hebrew word for God.”

I have just one thing to say to that: FUCK. THAT. SHIT.

Yeshua is NOT the Hebrew name for God. Warren’s speech was inclusive to Latino Catholics, and to Muslims (who see Jesus as a prophet), but it was an absolute slap in the face to Jews.

Yeshua is NOT the Jewish name for God. It’s the fabricated Christian-Hebrew (a.k.a. “Jew for Jesus,” a.k.a. impostor “Jew”) name for Jesus. What Warren was essentially saying was that he is inclusive to everybody so long as they worship Jesus – and for Jews that means conversion to Christianity. It was little more than a follow-up to Ann Coulter’s statement that Jews are incomplete until they accept Jesus. As the old joke goes, “We have religious freedom in this country. Everybody is free to worship Christ in their own way.”

Incidentally, the true Jewish name for Jesus is “Yeshu” – an acronym for “Yimach Shemo V’zikro,” or “May his name and memory be blotted out.” Centuries of forced conversion and wholesale slaughter will make people a little bitter.

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