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U.S. ready to debut plan – Oct. 13, 2008

October 14th, 2008 [Banking, Election 2008, Financial, General, News, US]

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U.S. ready to debut plan – Oct. 13, 2008.

Do you ever wonder if this isn’t just the greatest heist of all time? Do you wake up in the middle of the night sometimes wondering how much of that $700 billion of our money is going to wind up in the offshore bank accounts of the top .05% of America’s wealthiest Republican puppeteers? Do you ever wonder if King Georgie is going to help himself to a share of it before he heads out of office? How many of Wall Street’s CEOs are REALLY not going to see massive financial perks from this bailout?

How much of this money is going to bail out the economy, and how much of it is going to leak out of the economy into the wealthiest Americans’ personal vaults?

I have no answers – only lots and LOTS of questions.

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