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Gay Republicans are delusional – no surprise there.

September 3rd, 2008 [Civil Rights, Election 2008, General, Law & Politics, LGBT, Marriage Equality]


Gay Republicans: GOP on ‘wrong side of history’ – CNN.com.

They are SO. DELUSIONAL. McCain has said OUTRIGHT that he supports California’s hateful Proposition 8, a mean-spirited and truly anti-family ballot initiative that will literally dissolve marriages into thin air and destroy lives in the process. He also promised Jerry Falwell he would support the Federal Marriage Amendment if federal courts strike down state constitutional marriage bans. And Palin, this “mostly unknown” quantity? Palin explicitly stated that she would oppose extending benefits to same-gender partners of state employees (“No, I believe spousal benefits are reserved for married citizens as defined in our constitution”). She is adamantly opposed to expanding hate-crime legislation, offering up the ridiculous old party line that “all heinous crime is based on hate.” She also listed in her THREE TOP PRIORITIES AS GOVERNOR, “Preserving the definition of “marriage” as defined in our constitution.” No, she didn’t list health care. No, she didn’t list the environment. No, she didn’t even list the energy crisis. But protecting the definition of marriage? That is a top priority. On what planet does this constitute “mostly unknown”?

Look, I realize the Log Cabiners are mostly gay men – but does that mean they have to walk around with their heads up their asses?

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2 Responses to “Gay Republicans are delusional – no surprise there.”

  1. It’s one election. Just this once, can’t these LCR’s vote for a party that hasn’t written discrimination into its platform?

  2. Well yes, but that would require admitting that they were wrong – and that’s one thing we all know Republicans are loathe to do.

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